Winter is coming. Why exercise? Why now?

winter exercise tying shoelace / Pexels
winter exercise tying shoelace / Pexels

Winter is coming. Why exercise? Why now?

With a second wave of COVID on the horizon, now is the time to get into that winter exercise routine. As we move into the fall and temperatures drop, many of us will be forsaking our daily quarantine walks and wondering how we will make it through the winter. If you have been healthy, it’s time to lock down your exercise routine and recommit to yourself. So, let’s use this fall as your time to honour your goals. 

Starting from what feels like from scratch can be daunting, but here are some things to keep in mind:  

Forget about numbers

Some people have lost weight during this pandemic, others have gained. In the end, it doesn’t matter. If there was ever a time to ditch the scale, it’s now. You don’t need some artificial set of numbers driving your output and your effort. Every workout that you participate in means that you aren’t sick and are healthy enough to be exerting effort. Whether it’s a walk with a friend or an all-out sweaty virtual power yoga session, the time you put in is your time. 

Focus on what you like

Forget about what you “should” be doing. Now is not the time to try boxing if you prefer a low impact weight session. But winter exercise can be a time to experiment. Maybe you’ve always wanted to try a boot camp class but were too afraid of looking like a complete novice. Take advantage of at home apps and classes to find something new. There is a bonus to learning on your own — you don’t have to compare yourself to anyone. You can play, replay, slow down, or speed through routines until you find one you like. 

Exercise makes you happy

You may hate it when you’re in the middle of a workout, but science tells us that exercise relieves pain and stress. Physical activity also stimulates the release of dopamine, endorphins, norepinephrine, and serotonin. These brain chemicals play an important part in regulating your mood. With all this uncertainty, who couldn’t use a brain boost right now?

Exercise builds community

When I opened TrainingSpaces over two years ago, I knew this wasn’t going to be an ordinary studio. I was passionate and focused on inclusion. I strongly believe that no matter your size, background, or experience, exercise is for everyone. Just showing up makes you an athlete — and every single person who walks through the doors of TrainingSpaces is valued. Clients and trainers alike, we are all striving towards our own goals. In this time where we’ve seen so much isolation, anxiety, and depression, having a safe space where you can work out is essential. Seeing a friendly, supportive face is what so many of us need right now. 

I hope to see you back either in the studio or hear about your successes as you continue to train virtually with your trainer. 

Pandemic blues: Opening up and ramping it up again — slowly

Laura Rantin working with a partner.

Laura Rantin working with a partner.

Opening up and ramping it up again — slowly

Been a rough few months, hasn’t it. The news and effects of the pandemic are everywhere, from the local to the global. We’re fortunate in that Canada, for whatever missteps it may have made, seems to be handling it better than other places, judging by the numbers. It’s easy to cite clichés, but the fact is — it could be worse. As you know, we had to take the difficult decision in April, after modifying our routines, to close the studio down. It wasn’t easy on anyone — on our friends, on our trainers, or on our clients. We kept in touch with all of you as best we could, but we’ve never had any reason to think it wasn’t the right thing to do.   Fast forward to August 2020. What with most people observing the precautions (masking up, social distancing, regular hand washing, etc.) and exercising regular gym etiquette and simple common sense, it’s possible that we may have turned the corner on this pandemic thing (touch wood). We’ll need to hedge our bets, of course, and watch what happens when and under what conditions the kids return to school. And of course there are things beyond our control. But for now, with a cautious optimism, we’re opening up again — slowly and carefully. We’re retaining some of the safety measures we implemented in the spring, of course. One trainer at a time, more frequent and upgraded sanitizing, and plenty of wipes and towels. To be sure, all our trainers are briefed on these new procedures. We’re also doing temperature checks and online screening, as well as maintaining 15-minute intervals between sessions. It means that the studio won’t be operating at its former capacity for some time, but naturally we’re putting the health of our trainers and their clients first. If you’re been feeling cooped up at home, if you’ve been craving exercise, if you’ve been pining for the guidance and personal attention of your favourite trainer, now’s the time to call in and book an appointment. Questions? You know where to reach us. See you soon!

Self-care is about self-preservation, and self-isolation whenever necessary

Self-care: man receiving aromatherapy treatment / Photo by from Pexels

Self-care: man receiving aromatherapy treatment / Photo by from Pexels

Self-care is about self-preservation, and self-isolation whenever necessary

As you may have noticed, we’ve been resurfacing previous blog posts when circumstances make it impossible to generate new content every week. Self-care may seem like an odd thing to be thinking about in these turbulent times, what with its connotations of laxity and self-indulgence. But that’s just one way to think about it. The preventative measures currently being urged upon us — social distancing, self-isolation and the like — are all about taking care of ourselves initially. We need to stay healthy in order to help the people around us — so self-care morphs into a broader sense of concern, support, and responsibility for the greater good.

This post originally appeared July 29, 2019. Stay safe.

With all those instagram posts tagged #selfcare and showing lovingly curated avocado toast and bubble baths, it’s easy to mock self-care as a millennial trend. However, the fact is that self-care isn’t just about getting massages and meditating in the sunset.

Self-care is how you take care of yourself. It’s the daily process of making sure you prioritize your emotional and physical needs. It’s how you manage demands on yourself and your time — from work to friends and family to ensuring you get in that workout. It is not selfish. It’s putting on your own oxygen mask before helping those next to you.

Self-care is not just about your mental health. It’s also about caring for your physical self, by eating healthy, taking adequate sleep, caring about your hygiene, exercising regularly, etc.

Sometimes it’s easy to know what we need. However, some of us are so depleted and disassociated from ourselves that we don’t even know where to start. Unless you are really good as establishing boundaries, shutting down technology, and saying “no,” you may need help acknowledging that you need to find time for yourself in your schedule.

Do you regularly:

  • Skip meals when you are busy
  • Use food to cope with stress
  • Cancel workouts to meet work deadlines
  • Automatically say “yes” to requests without thinking about how it will affect your schedule
  • Multitask when eating — working or watching TV, checking emails, or reading
  • Feel guilty if you are not productive

If you’ve said “yes” to any of these, it’s time for you to incorporate self-care in your routine. Easier said than done, right? There are many small ways you can start appreciating yourself immediately. Look for small ways you can include self-care in everyday life.  From getting up a little earlier to go for a run to spending time on the weekend preparing meals, these are not tasks but ways to show you that you value yourself.

We need to condition ourselves to take breaks and moments for ourself. The idea that lunch is for wimps that fuelled the 80s culture should be left in the 80s. Being overscheduled and always on doesn’t lead to more productivity. It leads to burnout, heart attacks, and unhappiness.

COVID-19 got you working from home? You can still work out

Woman meditating in bedroom / Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

COVID-19 got you working from home? You can still work out

With many offices and schools closing to slow down the spread of COVID-19, we are entering a new phase of how we combat the disease. While words like “pandemic” seem scary, we all need to find solutions to keep ourselves mentally and physically fit in this uncertain time.

Here are some suggestions on how to make the best of the current situation:

Build a routine

As much as we might like to think of ourselves as spontaneous, routines are extremely beneficial. They create structure in our lives, reduce the need to plan, help us prioritize, and work towards our goals. Routines also reduce stress and allow us to manage times of unpredictability. While many of us have routines centred around going to work, there is no reason why you can’t maintain a routine from home. It may be a little more difficult at first, but plan out your day. How will you break it down? Having set times to eat, stretch, exercise, and walk away from the computer will make you more productive.

Get dressed

While it might be tempting to stay in your pyjamas all day, you have a job to do. Treat your home office like you would your physical office.

While you might choose to wear something a little less formal and more comfortable at home, changing into a different outfit will have you feeling more professional. Or maybe, you want to put on your workout clothes … which leads me to …

Keep your workouts

Whether you’re scheduled to head in for a session at TrainingSpaces or picking up a fitness class, keeping active will help combat the general feeling of lethargy that you may face while working at home. Without the pressure of commuting, you actually have the luxury of using that time to exercise. Exercise will continue to give you that shot of energy and endorphins that we all need at times like this.

Try something new

This is a great opportunity to download a new fitness app. If you are concerned about leaving your house, there are a number of free apps that can keep you on track. For example, the entire suite of Down Dog fitness apps are completely free and cover a range of activities from barre to introduction to yoga.

Go outside

It can be tempting to hibernate and not leave the house without a real destination if you have no particular place to go. However, fresh air is essential. Evan a quick walk around the block in the middle of the day can break up the monotony of staring at your computer screen.

Eat properly

While it may be easier to pop a frozen meal in the microwave, you need to prioritize proper nutrition when you’re at home. A balance of protein, carbs, and fat will keep you focused and stop you from snacking on empty calories. Whether you’re coming from an office with lots of free snacks or you keep your cupboards full of high-calorie treats, food shouldn’t be an excuse to take a break. Be mindful of what you’re consuming — you’re in control. Find another way to take breaks that won’t have you heading to the kitchen.

Meditate and stretch

When things feel overwhelming, there’s always time for meditation. As we adapt to different desks, there are bound to be some new (or existing) aches that become aggravated. Take the time to wrap up your day with some gentle yoga or stretching to combat poor desk setup. Find a guided meditation podcast or app (like SimpleHabit or Calm) that focuses on breathing, slowing down, and grounding you in the present. Free versions of these apps should take you through basic breathing exercises and quiet your mind with breathing and relaxation.

So these are just some things you can do to maintain your energy and focus when working at home.

Pease take a moment to review how we’re handling COVID-19 to keep you safe and healthy.

Anyone can make resolutions for the New Year. Here are some strategies for the New Decade

women on couch at New Decade party / Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

women on couch at New Year's party / Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Anyone can make resolutions for the New Year. Here are some strategies for the New Decade

New decade resolutions can be bold. They can be aspirational…but they can also be intimidating. They can be small steps you take to answer the question “Who do I want to be in 10 years”? Or, they can be frightening. When you evaluate where you currently are, how will you get to be the person you always dreamed you could be?

Maybe you’re already there — living a life that is emotionally, romantically, physically, financially, and spiritually satisfying. And if that’s you…congratulations. However, most of us aren’t where we ever pictured ourselves. Whether it’s arbitrary age-related timelines or surprise curveballs in multiple careers, sometimes we’re so far away from our life goals that it’s difficult to know where to start.

Last year, we offered some strategies to help you stick to your resolutions. Starting small, focusing on a single challenge, being realistic, and tracking your progress are still the expert-recommended approaches to accomplishing lifestyle habits that don’t dissolve in February. This year, inspired by the new decade, let’s look at how you can practically set yourself up for success today to accomplish more in the next 10 years.

Stop talking, start doing.

Are you one of those people who is always telling your friends about how you want to start a podcast, write a book, learn to scuba dive, run a marathon, and take up an instrument…but you haven’t done anything about it? Well, this is the year where you need to take small steps to accomplish these things. Can you swap Sunday morning brunch for a quiet hour of writing, researching, running, or taking classes? Like everything in life, if it’s important enough, you will dedicate the time and energy to do it. If not, it’s time to let go and stop making empty promises.

Add, don’t remove.

So much of the trapping of diet culture is about deprivation. It’s about what you can’t eat. Once something is forbidden, we only want it more. If your goal for this decade is to be healthy, consider adding something to your daily routine. Whether it’s adding a walk around the block after dinner or a cup of bone broth every day, adding things into your life switches the focus. It reinforces how much we have and allows us to celebrate and be grateful.

Be reflective, not reactive.

We live in a culture that rewards instant gratification. We are expected to respond as soon as possible to emails, text messages, feeds, streams…and this can lead to emotional overload. We all need a time out to take a moment and compose ourselves before speaking or typing. Slowing down and being deliberate and thoughtful helps us to take a moment to evaluate how we really feel — keeping our emotions from ruling our lives.

Ask for help. You are not alone.

From coaches to therapists, there are people out there who understand what you’re going through. There are teachers who can provide you with new skills and trainers to help you perfect your form. These people exist to help you achieve greatness. They are there for you. Asking for help can be scary but it’s essential if you want to grow in this new decade. Not only will they help you meet your goals, but developing a relationship with a person who really understands you will help you grow in ways you never imagined.

These four approaches to resolutions are tough ones. They require you to really look at your life, evaluate your priorities, and make uncomfortable changes. It’s often easier to stay static than confront things that make us uneasy. However, if we start seriously considering who we want to be on the evening of 2029, we have to start somewhere. And we can do it together.

Let’s never do that again: a decade of bad decisions

Detox juice cleanse promo
Detox juice cleanse promo

Let's never do that again: a decade of bad decisions

As the 2010s come to a close, itu2019s easy for us to look back on the way we lived. In the present, the decisions we made in the past can be questionable u2014 especially when it comes to advice about health and wellness.

Ah, wellness. Thereu2019s a word weu2019re going to ban from our vocabulary the moment the clock strikes midnight on New Yearu2019s Eve.

While u201cwellnessu201d may have started the decade as a way of optimizing our fitness routines, exploring alternatives cures, and investing in self-care, it has bloomed into a pseudoscience that promotes the myths of the diet industry. In the eyes of wellness, we need to invest large sums of money into dangerous, unproven cures and techniques that look great on social media and do nothing for our bodies. The wellness industry, from essential oils to extreme diets, prioritizes thinness as an outward display of health.

In the final days of 2019, letu2019s say NO to the irresponsible trends of the past decade.

But if we are rejecting so much, what should we be embracing? Here are some suggestions:

Nobodyu2019s life magically changes at the stroke of midnight and weu2019re all trying to get better. Letu2019s make positive steps by removing lies, hype, and hatred from how we get healthy this year and celebrate that we have as we get stronger, smarter, and kinder in the new year.

Why fall is the ideal time to start running

Woman running in fall leaves / Image source:

Woman running in fall leaves / Image source:

Why fall is the ideal time to start running

After a long winter of hiding away indoors, we tend to embrace spring as the start of the running season. However, I think fall is the perfect time for new runners to get started. In fact, fall running has its benefits.

A lot of us want to run but we are intimidated by our own expectations. We tell ourselves that we’re not runners but the truth is that if you can walk…you can run. Of course, some people will not benefit from running but for most of us, the first step towards getting outside is a mental one. We reinforce preconceived notions of what a runner should look like and hold ourselves up against these impossible standards.

However, the fact is that people of all shapes, sizes, and abilities run all kinds of races. From full marathons to triathlons, we need to get over the idea of the runner’s body. Yes, there are athletes that crush a 5K in 15 minutes…but that is the exception. If your legs are short, you are a runner. If your legs are long…well, you’re a runner too. If you ever watch the scores of people crossing the finish line at a 5K fun run, you’ll see all kinds of people celebrating their accomplishments.

Because of the milder fall temperatures, you don’t have to limit your runs to early morning or early evening.

Beginning a running routine is one of those September resolutions that can be part of your reset and re-commitment to fitness and yourself. Running also meditative. Whether you listen to podcasts or music, this is your own time and focusing on your run means shutting off your push notifications and making every breath count.

Because of the milder fall temperatures, you don’t have to limit your runs to early morning or early evening. A mid-day weekend run is just as effective as a morning one. You can also run for longer without feeling overheated. Layers are your friend so just add or subtract ones as you go. As the seasons change, you can appreciate the beauty of nature and the changing colours.

Like any new exercise routine, it’s always best to start slow and be careful. There are many walk-to-run apps (many of them free) that will help you overcome your fear of running. They work by dividing up your time into small run segments, followed by larger walk segments. As you progress through the program, the ratios switch and the walks become less frequent. You can repeat a segment as many times as you want. There’s no judgement or expectations. You might breeze through the first three weeks and spend the next six months trying to conquer week four.

If it’s your mind and not your body that’s keeping you from running, make a commitment to give a simple sport a try that is all about you and your progress. Here are some tips to getting started (link to Running 101 blog) and then it’s up to you to keep on this path.

Connected Fitness: It’s trendy, effective (and expensive), but is it for you?​

Wired fitness gear: woman using rowing machine with video monitor / Image source: Digital Trends

Wired fitness gear / Image source: Digital Trends

Connected Fitness: It’s trendy, effective (and expensive), but is it for you?

Peloton. Hydrow. Mirror. FightCamp. Connected Fitness companies are turning record profits as our home-fitness workouts evolve from exercise DVDs, to apps, to machines and devices that promise to track and measure our actual outputs and form. As technology advances, it’s not surprising that home gyms are being reinvented with sensors and live-streamed classes. 

Connected Fitness is defined as any type of exercise machine that is connected to the internet and integrated with a larger platform to either improve or adjust your workout. Depending on the device or machine, you can receive personalized feedback, join a class complete with leaderboards, or track your workout performance and set goals. 

If you are interested in purchasing a Connected Fitness machine, the first thing you need to ask yourself is: can I afford a Connected Fitness machine? With each machine costing upwards of $2000, are you passionate enough about a sport or activity to keep your new smart treadmill from becoming an extension of your drying rack? Many of these machines also recommend that you subscribe to a monthly channel of live streamed or on-demand workouts. However, if you are committed enough to cycling but are boycotting SoulCycle, a connected bike might make sense. You need to do the math before even investigating these machines. Because of their high price tag, these machines are an investment.

I’ve also seen clients express frustration with goals on their wearable trackers not equating to real-world results. Research shows that a third of people who buy fitness trackers stop using them within six months. Just like how your traditional treadmill will tell you that you’ve burned a certain amount of calories, these devices are just estimates.  

If you are attracted to the idea of a connected fitness device, you should also assess your experience with fitness and motivation? Have you always been the kind of person who can fit exercise in their life without much effort, or do you drag yourself to the gym because you have a family reunion coming up? If your fitness routine is built on extrinsic motivation (add link to past blog), the novelty of any new device will eventually wear off. 

A Connected Fitness won’t automatically turn you into an athlete any more than a BowFlex gym or downloading that Couch to 5K app will. While it may be exciting to add a new fitness gadget to your inventory, if you aren’t prepared to actually use it — it’s not worth the hype.

Martial arts: not just kung fu movies, but a way to fun, fighting, and fitness

martial arts krav maga kick / Image source:

martial arts krav maga kick / Image source:

Martial arts: not just kung fu movies, but a way to fun, fighting, and fitness

Do you wish you could take down a gang of unsuspecting villains who dare to threaten you as you unlock your car in a dark parking lot? Kicking, punching, chokes, throws…imagine moving through our dangerous world in a bubble of safety.

It’s an appealing fantasy but it’s not the reason why so many adults are flocking to martial arts classes. From Krav Maga to Mixed Martial Arts to Karate, weekly classes offer more than the fulfillment of re-enacting a live action game of Street Fighter. Instead, it’s an opportunity to learn a new skill, increase stamina, build flexibility, and improve discipline. They are gyms, studios, dojos, and spaces around the city where people of all ages and backgrounds come together to sweat it out on the mat and learn about themselves.

Some people come to martial arts to recover from trauma. As a reaction to PTSD, they want to gain some control following an incident that left them shaken and wishing they had acted or reacted differently. Healing begins slowly, one class at a time. Learning small things to protect yourself, and repeating them over and over again, builds muscle memory. It challenges you to think differently about how to keep yourself safe. This little bit of confidence is what some of us need to get back out in the world.

For beginners, starting out can be intimidating. You will see gear bags of equipment, strong men and women grappling on the floor, heavy bags, and fake weapons. However, what you also need to keep in mind is that your instructor had a first day too. He or she arrived at their first class and they slowly (or even immediately) fell in love with this new form of fitness. Many studios offer women-only classes. If you identify as female, this can be a good introduction in an environment that can feel less threatening.

Most forms of martial arts involve increasing levels of expertise. If you commit to this, you will work towards a set goals and mark your progress. The discipline of a curriculum challenges your brain and your body.

If you are looking to martial arts as a form of fitness, you will gain more than losing calories. Most forms of martial arts involve increasing levels of expertise. If you commit to this, you will work towards a set goals and mark your progress. The discipline of a curriculum challenges your brain and your body.

However if you don’t care about belts or badges, you can also just enjoy pushing yourself in a different kind of way. Being willing to learn, and fail, and try again allows you to celebrate the smallest achievements. When you find your body automatically defending itself against a move, you feel a sense of pride. Being present in a studio unplugs you from constant distractions. You need to pay attention, listen, and try in order to understand the psychology behind the movement.

As we get older and set in our ways, learning new things can be scary and make us vulnerable. However if you have ever been curious about martial arts, I can’t encourage you enough to shed preconceptions about age, ability, and gender. Instead, embrace the possibilities of what you can achieve and what you can accomplish. You’ll probably surprise yourself.

The future of fitness, explained: the 7-minute workout

7-minute workout GIF / Image source: Greatist

7-minute workout GIF / Image source: Greatist

The Future of Fitness Explained: The 7-Minute Workout

If you love to learn about new exercise and fitness trends, The Future of Fitness explains it to you in a way you can understand and separate the hype cycle from actual results.

Do you remember a couple of years ago when a study published by ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal declared that all we needed was 7 minutes to achieve a host of fitness benefits? Well, it’s been six years since this initial study and short, focused workouts are still popular. We talked recently about Tabatta and HIIT (link to previous Balancing Priorities to Workout) but can you really only exercise for seven minutes and lose weight, improve cardio, build muscle, and be diabetes-free?

What is the 7-Minute Workout? The 7-Minute workout consists of 12 high-intensity exercises that only use body weight as resistance. You perform each activity at your maximum intensity for 30-seconds and rest for 10-seconds.

What Do I Need to Do?

All you need to do is find a place where you can do jumping jacks, step-ups, wall sits, and planks without knocking into anything … or anyone. You don’t need extra weights but a chair, mat, and a wall are necessary. You probably also will need a timer to announce the beginning and end of each on or off period.

Does it Work?

What do you want to achieve with your workout? If your primary goal is to lose weight, this isn’t the way to do it. As we’ve previously said, nutrition is primarily responsible for weight loss. You just won’t burn enough calories in 7-minutes — even if you are working to your maximum. However, if you are interested in improving your overall fitness and want a challenge, the 7-minute workout could be for you.

Should I Try It?

If you have any physical issues, this is not the best way to spend 7 minutes. The fact that you need to push yourself to your maximum means some people might sacrifice form for intensity — leading to more injuries and problems. If  you have joint issues, knee, wrist, or back problems, you need a gentler workout to better support your body.

I also never recommend depending solely on one form of exercise or fitness routine. You will always need to stretch, lift, and raise your heart rate, so don’t give up your other activities and prioritize this one routine.

If you know you have good form and are experienced, you may want to try adding the 7-minute workout to your schedule. And if you read the fine print, the authors of the initial study did recommend cycling through the program a couple of times for maximum results. When you’re pressed for time and know you can work to your maximum, there’s no difference between this circuit and other interval training.

More Information Please!

Try these links and get educated about the 7-Minute Workout: